Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Kanakuk Picnic.... Oh I love Kamp!

First of all it is one amazing day outside today. We had the Neighborhood Picnic today at kamp and it was a lot of fun. Working for Kids Across America I don't get to see Kanakuk people all of the time. So it was nice being able to see that group of people today. I woke up at eleven this morning and it was the best sleep that I have gotten in a long time.
So I woke up at eleven and then headed to the office to finalize my time card and turn it in so I can get paid on time. Tara in accounting called me yesterday wondering if I had a time card because it was due. I told her that I was currently working on school stuff and asked her if I could tackle that tomorrow. She agreed so I went in and got that done. I feel really bad because she shouldn't have to call me and ask where it is. It is my responsibility to take care of it. So I am thankful for Tara. I am going to try to get it to her right when it is due next time.
I came home after the picnic because I needed to study for my math test tomorrow. Well, I got home and it seems that I have not touched my math book yet. Later this evening it will get done because I need to be on my game. I came home and cleaned my room and got it ready for some of my buddies to come over and hang out after they got out of school. Time was running by quick and the next thing you know it was time to go pick up my brother and his friends from the High School. So I hopped back into my car and headed off to the school. I go there and went in and said hello to the counselor office girls and then went to see Mr. Dean. He is such a great guy and does a great job at the school (Asst. Principle). The one thing I love about this guy is that he is passionate about kids and offering grace. He loves Jesus and has the desire to lead his family in the direction that God wants it led.! "Thank You Jesus For Him!" I didn't get to talk to him long because he had to continue his work but I sure enjoyed the little time that I did get to talk to him.

I went back out to my car to write a thank you card to our neighbors and spend some time in the word. Then shortly after my brother and his friends walk out to my car. I popped the trunk so they could put all their stuff in it. There are a couple of my brothers friends that are a little bigger than the normal person. Just so happens he brings four friends and that made a total of 6 people for my 5 person car. This little kid was so stuffed between two bigger kids that all you could see was his head. I felt sorry for the kid but I had no control over the capacity of my car. They all loaded up and some how closed all the doors. We were on our way.... I dropped them off at my brother's friend Ross's house. ( I think my car could actually do the speed limit after that because before I think the I could only go like 30 mph. At least it felt like it.)

I finally made it home and my two buddies Kyle and Jon came over and hung out. Good time because I love hearing what is going on in the lives of other people. We enjoy it and drink a mountain dew. They are gone now and it is just me and my Christian beats that are playing on the radio. Where is God in all this stuff? Where is he? I personally hope that he is active in how I talk and treat other people. I pray that I am living my life to the best of how Christ would want me to live it. I don't want to do anything that would cost me something so great! I want to seek Christ in everything I do. I want to glow with Jesus... however I don't ever want to be seen as greater than anyone else. I want everyone to see me as a sinner on the same level as everyone else. It seems that sometimes it is hard in life to say how you feel or what you are going through. We censor our lives so much because we are afraid of what people are going to think. Well... the purpose of this blog that I am doing is that I can be real. Not hiding feelings or thoughts.

Like for instance... I am people pleas er and it is so easy for me to worry what people think of me. If someone doesn't like me it hurts me so much. I feel that God feels the same way and it hurts him when people don't see what he has done for them. I say this because right now I know of two girls that don't like me. It hurts because I have a passion to make things right with them they don't have the same feelings. So I have asked for forgiveness but I am still broken. I pray that God will soften their hearts in that we will be able to make things right with me.

Well... I think I am out for now but that is whats up... I am going read some and then hit the math book more than likely. If you read all of this thanks so much and I appreciate you. Please pray for me and that I will follow Christ and his ambitions for my life. Thanks!!!


Thursday, September 6, 2007

Tevas & A Bible

Today was a pretty good day! I can think of one amazing reason why today was not a normal day. I walked out of my public speaking class and walked to the lobby. I began to talk to some friends that were sitting out in the lobby. Well... I wouldn't really call them friends because sometimes I just talk to them to make myself look like I have a lot of friends. It is a sad thing but I do it so people will think that I am semi popular. (Guess what?... I am not!) Ok... Anyways... I was talking to my friends and all the sudden someone says my name and it is her. One of the few girls that can catch my undivided attention. Her name is Shelly and she is such a blessing in my life. She is in love with God and it makes me want to peruse God so much more when I see her. I think to myself that I want to be like her a lot because she is so ambitious for the Kingdom of God. We talked and talked and I love every moment that I get to spend with her. She is truly an amazing sister in the faith. Shelly is one girl that is not only beautiful on the outside but she has true beauty on the inside! She is a women of God! It makes me a think of my Tevas and my bible because it falls back to a Kamp lifestyle. I see myself walking on a beach with my bible in my hands. I so wish I was there right now so i could enjoy life even more at 1:38.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Penny by Penny

As the summer has come to a close it seems that my once earnings are going away. I am at 43 dollars in my bank account. I have a 46 dollar cellphone bill do on the eleventh of this great month. My car is due to be re licensensed this month and I need an oil change. Despite all of this I am a college student that loves a great God! I actually have a little work left at kamp to do but that is only going to last me about 6 weeks. My job position was not approved for the budget this year so once my projects are done then I am not going to have a job. Itis sad because there are several other positions that got approved this year but mine is not one of them. I am a videographer and I beileve that my positon can help out the ministry a ton but I guess others don't feel the same. But hey life is not fair and so I need to move on and count my blessings for what I have.